They're gonna be soooo sorry they didnt even give me a chance. I lowered myself to their stupid freezer shop level and bothered to apply AND got an interview but because I couldnt make their interview times of 9 til 10 monday morning I now dont get an interview!!! It said on my cv im at fucking uni you R tards. And the guy on the phone was so rude!
p.s Heron suck they can go fucking die!!!
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Thursday, 29 January 2009
My guilty pleasure

I am proper loving this album still! Ssshh soo what! I have pretty cool taste in music otherwise! Amnesia is definately my fave track. Errrm ok its not an album review!
I am getting iller by the day if thats even a word, I'm not sure, If it's not then it should be. Really didn't want to be ill for tomorrow but oh well we'll see how things go(realise that this will make no sense to anyone, except maybe Ashley if she works it out?!?)
There may be an update tomorrow, depends, I hope so.
p.s You lose therefore I win-you know its right
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Ok ok you got me!

My throat is so much worse today its spread to my ears and chest, I need antibiotics before it takes over my entire body.
Certain people are beginning to irritate me, they won't read my blog so don't start worrying that its you cos its not. Thinking that they're so cool and everyone wants to be around them all the time, so effing big headed its unreal, and they really have nothing to be big headed about and stop trying to talk to all my friends and acting like you're so popular, yeah tbh everyone does think you're pretty ace,why am I the only one that can see through it all? Also I DO NOT take instructions from you so don't even try it again else i'll be on yer like a tonne of bricks! Yeaaah errrm ok, sorry about that lol!
Went to the cinema with afternoon with Cara to see slumdog millionaire, It was alright, not as good as I was expected it to be from reviews, but something realllly weird happened in cinema. There was a bunch of 4 old ladys sat on row in front of us and the one that was sat in front of Cara fell asleep about 10 mins into adverts and all her friends were pointing and laughing at her, then about half an hour into film she just vanished like completely vanished, she didn't get up and walk out she just completely dissappeared and never came back and her 3 friends there just didn't even react to that fact that their friend was gone and at the end they just walked out like normal without her. It was soooo odd, I cannot find an explanation for it, we even looked under the seats for her. :S
I finally have some medication for my throat, yay for me hopes that starts getting better soon.
p.s you try doing better Miss Blackburn!
Professional Skills for Poltergeist

Omg I am dying, my throat still, haven't had any sleep for 2 nights but on the positive side the ticket man undercharged me on the train, he must have known that I am poor, miss you Zavvi *cries*
Just did pro skills mcq tho was dead easy 100% ftw, something about finding literature sooooooo dull I hate professional skills, please stop wasting hours of my life with it Leeds Uni!
Chicken for tea tres exciting.
p.s I am lacking a p.s
Monday, 26 January 2009
Illnessss & Semester 2

I have an evil sore throat, I seriously need my tonsils taking out or something. Also I am so bad at waking up on a morning, first day of new semester today was alright, Caz has been imprinting on lecturers, also I do not like the conference auditorium, its tall and big and it makes me feel dizzy! AND WEIRD PEOPLE STOP STARING AT US FFS!!!
p.s You are Hannah Montana
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Super Cutes
Friday, 23 January 2009
I love gravity cos it keeps me on the ground

Last night was alreeeet. We went in and propped up the bar for a while until we got drunk enough for Hib to convince us to go on dancefloor. The dj played a very wide but crap range of music 'HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, EFFING DISNEY CHANNEL!! DO I LOOK DISNEY CHANNEL? OH LOOK AT ME IM SO FUCKING DISNEY CHANNEL IM HANNAH MONTANA!!!'
Best part was probably Hib drinking a bottle of wine through a straw.
Bar woman: 'Dont be throwing up on me'
Hib: 'Nar ill save that for the taxi!'
And lol the taxi!
Hib: 'Do you have sat nav?'
Taxi Driver: 'Sat nav yeah'
Hib:'Is it called Simon'
Taxi Driver: 'Simon *laughs*'
Then I broke my Death Note keyring in the taxi, gutted!
Then when we all got home Hib sent me a very interesting text:
'S6 iqgp my boydndmqfgnd'
Went into town this afternoon, oh Castleford you are beautiful, to check the bank to see if i'd been payed, I have but I still hate you Ernst & Young!! Then I got this really cute necklace in town! Also I saw a job that would be suitable, good number of hours etc, but I'm not sure if I could lower myself to it.
Bye for now.
P.s Hayden who?
Laura C she's crazy see? That's what the white coats say.
And welcome to my new readers!
Was supposed to get paid today but haven't been, damn you Ernst & Young you are a BIG MESS, you are completely hopeless, you are complete and utter wastes of space, I hope you're all proud of yourself with your effing career in adminstrating you soulless beasts!
I'm not really that angry but pay me ffs!
Off to crash an 18th tonight says our Hibzz!
Someone come see Alkaline Trio with me at leeds academy on 12th feb? Corinnneeeyyy?
p.s I saw you on the Jeremy Kyle Show
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Im freeeee

Hello my two readers!
Finally free of exams, well at least for now. Celebrated by coming home from uni and watching Gilmore Girls, oh yeah!
Yesterday I fell over a cardboard box, that was interesting, kinda hurt my foot though.
Picture dedicated to Ashley!
p.s You are a soggy UGG boot! (I like to count how many I can see from where I'm sitting in exams, when I've finished that is, the answer is usually too many)
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Revision Time
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
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