Last Wednesday= We Are Scientists!!!!!!!!!!!! Keeeeeeeeeeeith <3
01. If you went to Hogwarts, which house would you be sorted in?
I'm thinking Ravenclaw tbh.
02. Have you ever been to a Harry Potter midnight release?
Haha yes Wakefield Asda for Deathly Hallows.
03. What did you think of Deathly Hallows?
It's pretty good, epilogue was dodge but still good.
04. How many times have you reread the books?
Too many to count.
05. Whose death was the saddest?
Dumbledore obv
06. If you went to Hogwarts, would you rather have a pet owl, cat, or rat?
I think I would probably have a cat, but they can't deliver letters n shit can they so an owl would be more useful probs.
07. What did you think of the movie Half-Blood Prince?
AWESOME!!! A big improvement from OOTF!
08. What do you think of Deathly Hallows being split in half?
I think its good cos it means it doesn't end as quick and also it will probably end better if they have a bigger time scale to do it on.
09. Have you read The Tales of Beedle the Bard?
Yeah I had it pre-ordered for when it came out.
10. When did you first become a Harry Potter fan?
Female Character? Luna
Male Character? RON WEASLEY <3 <3
Professor? Dumbledore
Death Eater? Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jr
Magical Creature? Hippogriff
Quote? “Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn't mean we all have" -Hermione Granger
Book? Prisoner of Azkaban
Movie? Chamber of Secrets or Half Blood Prince
Hogwarts House? Gryffindor
Place? The Burrow
Weasley? Won Won <3
Couple? Cho and Cedric
This or That
Gryffindor or Slytherin? Gryffindor
Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Ravenclaw
Fred or George? BOTH!
Ginny or Luna? Lunas awesome, Ginny is crap!
Butterbeer or Firewhiskey? Butterbeer
Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley? Diagon Alley
Books or Movies? Books obv
Half-Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows? HBP
Sorcerer’s Stone or Chamber of Secrets? Chamber of secrets ( and its philosphers stone, damn americans
Snape or Slughorn? Snape
Lupin or Sirius? BOTH!!
Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione? Harry/Herminone, then Hermione can't have Ron(see my logic?)
Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil? NONE TBH!!
Seamus Finnigan or Dean Thomas? Seamus cos he has a funny accent.
Kreacher or Dobby? Dobby, Kreachers a little bitch
Muggleborn or Pureblood? Muggleborns are the coolest
Dan Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Haha need this question be asked?!? Rupes <3
Bellatrix Lestrange or Narcissa Malfoy? Bellatrix is awesome
Voldemort or Tom Riddle? Yeah they're the same person.
Hedwig or Crookshanks? Hegwig R.I.P