I totally pwned you all at Trivial Persuit and then Scrabble I pretended to be crap for a bit but then did like 30 point words and Corinne thought she won but I won really cos she had too much help off Hib, but Hib did good too you's provided more competition than what you did for Trivial Persuit but I still win!
Its toooooo warm today its not acceptable at all!! Spose it would have helped if I wasn't wearing a sleeved shirt and thick jeans but I'm not smart enough to do anything about that.
Off to bed very shortly after I finish writing this I am knackered from last night still and that effing taxi took ages to come and Corinne was proper flirting with the taxi driver bahahahah!!! (She probably won't read this so it's okay for me to say that but just incase she does read it I am sorry Crin!). Might watch Big Bro for a bit cos I'm gay!! Don't have any plans for tomorrow hmm what shall I do???
Au reviour petit filous
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Friday, 26 June 2009
Omg I cannot believe MJ is dead just proper cannot get over it, he was a complete legend!! I proper felt sorry for him with all the stick he gets off media, why can't they just accept that because he had a bad childhood with his dad being violent and what not that he might be a little more messed up than other people. And because he's completely missed out on his childhood that he might want to relive that in his adult years and own a theme park and hang around with kids and whatnot! Poor guy!
On the other hand it, he might not even be dead! In an Elvis isn't dead kind of way, cos like noones actually seen his body cos they only saw the ambulance pull out of his house and when his body was going for post mortem it was covered up obv and the only person that confirmed he was dead was his brother Jermaine. He might just have not wanted to do his tour thingy!
Been in Scarborough today and like every shop I went in was playing his songs, its just the weirdest thing ever, hes like the most famous person in the world!!
Well theres my death of MJ blog!!
On the other hand it, he might not even be dead! In an Elvis isn't dead kind of way, cos like noones actually seen his body cos they only saw the ambulance pull out of his house and when his body was going for post mortem it was covered up obv and the only person that confirmed he was dead was his brother Jermaine. He might just have not wanted to do his tour thingy!
Been in Scarborough today and like every shop I went in was playing his songs, its just the weirdest thing ever, hes like the most famous person in the world!!
Well theres my death of MJ blog!!
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Oh sigh
I feel like I am repeating myself now but who will play board games with me? Instead of going out on a Saturday night I wanna stay in and play sporcle!! Harry Potter sporcle! I wanna sit in the library and read books for hours and spy on people reading.
Was actually just gonna leave it at that but I suppose I'll write about my day. Went to topshop in Leeds cos I was in Leeds and cos I was with Corinne and thats just what happens and they were playing The Horrors which is pretty cool but I still hate Topshop but I love it really but I hate it you know what I mean?
Four confirmed cases of swine flu at Leeds Uni today, yay for me I was only there last week so if I stop blogging you know why right?
Watched about 4 seconds of some stupid disney channel program with Devi Lovato in it today while I was eating my tea, shes well crap.
Sarah has a 3rd date thought I would add that seen as no1 who knows anything about that is reading this anyway so it matters not!
Love you bye x
Was actually just gonna leave it at that but I suppose I'll write about my day. Went to topshop in Leeds cos I was in Leeds and cos I was with Corinne and thats just what happens and they were playing The Horrors which is pretty cool but I still hate Topshop but I love it really but I hate it you know what I mean?
Four confirmed cases of swine flu at Leeds Uni today, yay for me I was only there last week so if I stop blogging you know why right?
Watched about 4 seconds of some stupid disney channel program with Devi Lovato in it today while I was eating my tea, shes well crap.
Sarah has a 3rd date thought I would add that seen as no1 who knows anything about that is reading this anyway so it matters not!
Love you bye x
Monday, 22 June 2009
Sarah Horsfield (Hib)
Hib has requested that I write about how wonderful she is because she is bored and nothing entertains her more than my blog. Ooook so shes a big pink fluffy owl who comes on searches for Hello Kitty merch with me (got some pencils today woop), and often tries to drag me away from it or makes comments about my apparent obsession.
Today we went buying presents for someones birthday and actually found it suprisingly easy, then we had some free chips in Sarahs friends weird chip shop thingy and put this stuff on them that may well have been drugs?
It should also be noted (while I'm writing a message to be posted out to the general public) that Laura Cartwright does not go out round Ponte under any circumstances, NOT even for Noel Fielding lookalikes. Well except for that time it was Robs gig in Ponte but thats different, it had a purpose other than Big Fellas! Ugh as if I even said that wretched word on my blog, epic shocker or what kids?
This is turning into a blog not about Sarah, Sarahs friend loves me but then who wouldn't, my space bar is fucking up, angry face!!!!!
Today we went buying presents for someones birthday and actually found it suprisingly easy, then we had some free chips in Sarahs friends weird chip shop thingy and put this stuff on them that may well have been drugs?
It should also be noted (while I'm writing a message to be posted out to the general public) that Laura Cartwright does not go out round Ponte under any circumstances, NOT even for Noel Fielding lookalikes. Well except for that time it was Robs gig in Ponte but thats different, it had a purpose other than Big Fellas! Ugh as if I even said that wretched word on my blog, epic shocker or what kids?
This is turning into a blog not about Sarah, Sarahs friend loves me but then who wouldn't, my space bar is fucking up, angry face!!!!!
Friday, 19 June 2009
Laura wins

Oh yeah passed all my uni exams!!! Not saying what I got cos people might be spying on me, I did r8 good anywasyyyzz and did a lot better in stats than I expected to.
Soo my trifle was an epic fail my custard didnt set but its okay cos Hib has given me some good advice for next time. I got a good cake tho hahaha!!
I made an event for Harry Potters birthday on Facebook cos I was feeling 'left out' lolz!!
Urrrm yeah twitter beats facebook I think just because twitters cooler so I get plus 10 cool points ;)
Proof that I'm mental:(without Sarahs permission)
Laura says:
Laura says:
im having a baby lamb for my tea
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
just a lamb then
Laura says:
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
lambs are already babies
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
Laura says:
baby harry potters
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
it's not another species
Laura says:
yeah tisss
Laura says:
baby lamb
Laura says:
baby piglets
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
shurrup loser
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
*L sign*
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
People actually read my blog!!!!
It has come to light that I have AT LEAST 3 regular readers lol!!! And in celebration of this I have decided to do another post!!
Not done much today, been in town etc etc yawn yawn!!
Sarah's been pulling chavs round Ponte, only joking love!! Then I been researching them on the internet via facebook and bebo (which if they're on bebo in the first place is never a good sign)!! Anyways I'll stop stalking people on Sarahs behalf and go sit myself down in library ;)!!! Wow I'm a bit exclamation mark happy today lolz!
Soo I decided to dye my hair, only like one shade darker than my natural colour which may appear pointless but whatevvs, umms its slightly darker but reddish looking which I don't really like and it hasn't dye over my blonde bit too well. UGH and I found a split end, end of the world or what?!? I daren't actually go to hairdressers to get it cut til this blonde bit grows/dyes out cos I know they're gonna tell me off for bleaching it lolz!!!
Workies tmoro, yay me with my job and all that innit!!! Not wearing shoes tho I can't deal with that and I'm proper shit at folding towels.
Not done much today, been in town etc etc yawn yawn!!
Sarah's been pulling chavs round Ponte, only joking love!! Then I been researching them on the internet via facebook and bebo (which if they're on bebo in the first place is never a good sign)!! Anyways I'll stop stalking people on Sarahs behalf and go sit myself down in library ;)!!! Wow I'm a bit exclamation mark happy today lolz!
Soo I decided to dye my hair, only like one shade darker than my natural colour which may appear pointless but whatevvs, umms its slightly darker but reddish looking which I don't really like and it hasn't dye over my blonde bit too well. UGH and I found a split end, end of the world or what?!? I daren't actually go to hairdressers to get it cut til this blonde bit grows/dyes out cos I know they're gonna tell me off for bleaching it lolz!!!
Workies tmoro, yay me with my job and all that innit!!! Not wearing shoes tho I can't deal with that and I'm proper shit at folding towels.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
"Tell your boyfriend if he says he's got beef, I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him"
Umm been another boring day, just been trying to compile a cd to take to work with me so I don't have to listen to radio one all the time, cos all it plays is Ndubz and Dizzee Rascal which after 8 hours makes me want to contemplate suicide. I got the Lady GaGa album, its awful really 'cept from Papparazi I like that.
Just put telly box on might watch this Ladette to Lady programme but they're all Australian and the accent pisses me off, not like New Zealand, New Zealands awesome, woop Flight Of The Conchords time later!!
I proper wanna go to Miley Cyrus and Metro Station tour but its mega costly and proper wrong obv cos its Miley Cyrus and by buying a ticket I'm sure that is in some way encouraging her but I can't help it if Metro Station aren't touring UK this year and they only decided to go on tour with Horseface. I DO NOT LIKE MILEY CYRUS, I DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SAY THIS!!!
Big Brothers proper shit now cba with it they're all just proper annoying and the fit one is getting it on with the blonde fake boobed one obv!! Sooo predictable, ugh as if I'm even blogging about Big Brother! WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!
I wonder if I can change the name of my blog ummm, shall try when I have finished writing this.
Au reviour n stuff!!
Just put telly box on might watch this Ladette to Lady programme but they're all Australian and the accent pisses me off, not like New Zealand, New Zealands awesome, woop Flight Of The Conchords time later!!
I proper wanna go to Miley Cyrus and Metro Station tour but its mega costly and proper wrong obv cos its Miley Cyrus and by buying a ticket I'm sure that is in some way encouraging her but I can't help it if Metro Station aren't touring UK this year and they only decided to go on tour with Horseface. I DO NOT LIKE MILEY CYRUS, I DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SAY THIS!!!
Big Brothers proper shit now cba with it they're all just proper annoying and the fit one is getting it on with the blonde fake boobed one obv!! Sooo predictable, ugh as if I'm even blogging about Big Brother! WHAT HAVE I BECOME!!
I wonder if I can change the name of my blog ummm, shall try when I have finished writing this.
Au reviour n stuff!!
Friday, 12 June 2009
Ill and stuck at home again

I'm laying on my bed watching a spider crawl around on my ceiling and walls, was looking forward to a trip to Leeds today but unfortunately my lack of sleep is preventing me from removing myself from my bedroom. I'm not just being lazy I physically cannot move and my mental processes are somewhat faulty. Went to bed at about 11.30 and just couldn't fall to sleep, at 4am I eventually gave in and just got up starting listening to my ipod etc got all dressed and ready then about an hour before I was going to set off for train I just felt stupidly tired and ill, which is not suprising everyone knows I need my 9 hours sleep a night otherwise I'm just unbearable. I even tried to drink coffee!!
Sooo I'm at home again with nothing to do and its all sunny and everything outside, sucks! Better feel better tomorrow cos I can't stand another day in the house, I will go insane! I'm listening to TAI & The Horrors and buying myself a Hello Kitty watch to cheer myself up :) Why am I mental? I've come to realise I have unhealthy obessesions!
Not sure why the picture of Joshua Third was neccessary, it just was kay?
Thursday, 4 June 2009
I'm bored so I decided to post something on here though I don't really have anything in particular to say so it will be disjointed and illogical.
Finished all the exams now= a whole 4 months of freedom, proper mental thats like a quarter of a year, got some fun stuffs coming up tho. Listening to a bit of The Horrors atm, mega mega excited for Sunday, I love nothing more than live music.
Urrrm its Hibs bday today so Happy Birthday Sarah!
Weathers looking decent today, not quite raining yet but the sun isn't attempting to kill me, I can't handle any more of the sun my face is actually starting to look quite tanned which is just not acceptable. People say that you look healthier with a tan but seriously whats healthy about increasing your risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevelent form of cancer, yeha!
Went to see Drag Me To Hell yesterday with Corinne and Rachel was pretty good, scared me lolz! Then walked into Ponte and back and hurt my feet, cos like buses are just unecessary.
Just waiting now for some crazy interview, I best get it else its just a conspiracy, everythings a conspiracy against me cos I'm just that important innit!
I am also currently impressed with the quality and value of Asda Hayfever tablets, well done Asda!
Umm bye
Finished all the exams now= a whole 4 months of freedom, proper mental thats like a quarter of a year, got some fun stuffs coming up tho. Listening to a bit of The Horrors atm, mega mega excited for Sunday, I love nothing more than live music.
Urrrm its Hibs bday today so Happy Birthday Sarah!
Weathers looking decent today, not quite raining yet but the sun isn't attempting to kill me, I can't handle any more of the sun my face is actually starting to look quite tanned which is just not acceptable. People say that you look healthier with a tan but seriously whats healthy about increasing your risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevelent form of cancer, yeha!
Went to see Drag Me To Hell yesterday with Corinne and Rachel was pretty good, scared me lolz! Then walked into Ponte and back and hurt my feet, cos like buses are just unecessary.
Just waiting now for some crazy interview, I best get it else its just a conspiracy, everythings a conspiracy against me cos I'm just that important innit!
I am also currently impressed with the quality and value of Asda Hayfever tablets, well done Asda!
Umm bye
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