Oh yeah passed all my uni exams!!! Not saying what I got cos people might be spying on me, I did r8 good anywasyyyzz and did a lot better in stats than I expected to.
Soo my trifle was an epic fail my custard didnt set but its okay cos Hib has given me some good advice for next time. I got a good cake tho hahaha!!
I made an event for Harry Potters birthday on Facebook cos I was feeling 'left out' lolz!!
Urrrm yeah twitter beats facebook I think just because twitters cooler so I get plus 10 cool points ;)
Proof that I'm mental:(without Sarahs permission)
Laura says:
Laura says:
im having a baby lamb for my tea
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
just a lamb then
Laura says:
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
lambs are already babies
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
Laura says:
baby harry potters
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
it's not another species
Laura says:
yeah tisss
Laura says:
baby lamb
Laura says:
baby piglets
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
shurrup loser
Saraaaaaaaah!! You'd be selling your body on ebay if it wasn't for me!! says:
*L sign*
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