Sunday 31 May 2009

Mental Weekend

Last exam Thursday morning stats= epic pain then I got back home into Cas and met our Hib in town went to Burger King to see little evil Rae, rushed about to get ready to see Hannah Montana The Movie :/ did my Miley Cyrus impressions in back of cinema then went for a few drinks in Winterseam while we were waiting for Corinne to decide what she was doing. Saw our new boyfriend glass collecter Tom sat outside drinking. Then we went to get the bus into Ponte (minus Corinne) and who should get on our bus but glass collecter Tom. Arrived in Pontefract where a quick visit to Tesco was in order. Then went to see Flaveret 3rd in BlackMoor Head. After that crawled the streets of Ponte like chavs, but it was ace!

Friday went to see Nickelback with our Hibby which was proper good even if we did nearly end up sleeping on a park bench/middle of road/train station. The Granny that was rocking it down in the mosh pit is an inspiration to us all!

Saturday me and Hib went for an epic journey to the new pound shop that opened where we saw pretty much everyone that we knew from Castleford and we also acquired some hand sanitiser gel and E45 sun cream (factor 20 obv)! Then we starbucks'd it at freeport and sat on a random patch of grass near Eastern Court where we attracted quite a bit of attention for no apparent reason. A visit to Asda acquired us some food and I was also spotted holding up the queue at the self service thingys putting all my change into the machine. Then back to Hibs where we played Harry Potter games on sporcle cos we're cool like that!! Then I went home to find my face was mega sunburnt which I am sooo not happy about because I am trying to stay pale for the entire summer, pale is the new tanned!! Plus its The Horrors next Sunday and I can't go looking all tanned now can I?


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