Tuesday 14 April 2009

Black by popular demand

And I'm mega angry, mainly at the NHS cos I can't get fuck all off my health costs even though they worked out I have a weekly income of £26 a week?!? Twenty six fucking pounds doesn't even get me to Leeds for the week on the train, yet I still have to pay the full amount for health costs. Its almost as if they want me to drop out of uni and go on the dole.

Oooh and then theres that certain person we know who is working cash in hand and on the dole at the same time, who manages to go out every night with OTHER PEOPLES FUCKING MONEY and then theres me who can't even afford to buy my asthma medication. The world is fucking backwards those people that try to better themselves and get an education get punished whereas the lazy arses and druggys get free medication and clean needles from chemist, let them use fucking dirty needles and get AIDS and die, they deserve it in my opinion!

And then theres the person that always complains they want a better job than the one they already have, don't complain to the person that lost their fucking job cos you're not gonna get any sympathy! And as for people who are quitting their jobs because they can't be bothered to do it anymore or don't like the people they work with, its fucking sick when theres loads of people out there who would love to be in your position, but now instead you'll just go sponge off other people.

And don't brag to me about how many fillings you got done for free, for one you should be ashamed that you needed so many fillings and you shouldn't be happy that other people had to pay for it cos you can't be bothered to get a job.

Thankyou, ill try and calm myself down now.

Au reviour

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