CATMAN!!! It's me talking to catman you're all so jealous you didnt get a picture with him.
We stole catmans trampoline.
Catman has disco lights.
Catman is a dj.
Catman loves trance & techno.
Catmans cats are named after Star Wars characters.
Catman drugs his cats.
We raved in catmans garden.
Catman has 3D poster you know the ones with nothing on them ?!? Not Star Wars posters not optical illusions just posters with nothing on them, in 3D.
Catman has facebook!
Catman said I had a slow accent and Sarah was mentally younger, warra charmer ;)
Sarah :“I don’t even know you, don’t touch me”
“Well lets change that hi I’m Andy” *puts hand out to shake*
*Laura screams*
"These girls here it's all their fault"
We have never learnt so much from one man in such a short space of time.
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